from practice
D.A.S. has been the legal protection brand of Ergo Versicherung AG since 2015. However, its expertise in insurance dates back to 1917. That was when racing promoter Georges Durand founded the "Défense Automobile et Sportive" in Paris.
What started with automobile insurance has been transformed over time into today's specialist in all legal protection matters for private and corporate customers. D.A.S. has been active in Austria since 1956, specializing in legal protection solutions for private individuals and companies. As an independent legal services provider, it offers comprehensive insurance coverage, professional support from highly qualified legal staff, and legal services such as D.A.S. Direkthilfe® and D.A.S. Rechtsberatung.
With the introduction of SAP Sales Cloud, the company has successfully digitalized its sales processes and was able to successfully complete the intended shift from contract-centric to customer-centric data management.
What to expect
The case study describes the initial situation of the insurance company with a sales mix consisting of employed sales force, external brokers and agents as well as online sales. The story shows the development of a concept for the complex data structure & relevant interfaces to third party systems.
The primary goal was to achieve a 360° customer view and to increase sales performance. The daily customer service should be simplified.
You will get a compact overview of the biggest challenges, the most important lessons learned during the implementation as well as the key success factors of the project.
Within the All for One Group, All for One Customer Experience GmbH specializes in customer experience and solutions for sales, marketing, customer service and commerce. Learn more: